
What are the advantages of a Mac book computer over a regular laptop?

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And what is the cost?

My son wants one for ease of recording his music and eliminating studio costs.

Thanks for any info.




  1. Ok. Your son has obviously been searching around for the laptop which best meets his needs, which is a very good thing. A MacBook, or any Mac computer, is different from a PC in the way that it runs the Apple Mac OSX operating system instead of Windows or Linux.

    Currently, OSX includes lots of multimedia software, however the music software, Garageband, remains quite basic, depending on how heavy the recording sessions are to be. For day- to day band recordings then GarageBand should be fine. There is another program which can be purchased, called Logic Studio, and although it is quite expensive is an excellent tool for recording and editing music. This is only available for the MAC OSX platform also, but it requires an extra fee to Apple whereas GarageBand does not- it comes with the OS.

    Macs also have defining features over PCs (many adavntages but many weaknesses). Macs cannot read .exe or program files, so your existing PC programs will probably not work on a Mac. However, a new feature in OSX is called BootCamp, which allows you to use Windows and Mac OSX at the same time.

    There is much more information on the internet about this, and the platform war rages nearly through every website, but in my opinion a MacBook is a good choice for music recording and editing, whether you choose to use the in-built GarageBand or the optional Logic Studio software.

  2. I agree with Bob

    my sister has a mac and it appears to me to be a major Pain in the A$$.

    This is my opinion only. I am not a laptop expert and I have the smallest one I could get just for ease of carrying, while still having the capabilities I desire on it.

  3. Macs are good for recording music and they are easy to use and they have a more stable workflow with its components other than these things I would prefer a pc laptop because i'd like to play games and use my 3d programs its really up to what your gonna use it for..

  4. Reenie, Don't get a Mac, it's more expensive and offers less compatibility. There are 20 PC applications for every one Mac application. Whereas you might have two choices of software with a Mac, you have 25-50 with a PC.

    There is a ton of free software you can get for a PC  and hardly any for a Mac.

    If you know exactly what software you want to buy and you don't care to tinker with the settings of your computer and you want to pay roughly twice as much for the same features... then a Mac could be a choice you might want to make.

  5. My friends say that Macbook is definitely better over laptops because of the awesome tech support. They can solve problems a lot more efficiently than other companies such as Dell, etc...  He should go with Macbook Pro. On the Apple website the Pro runs at 2799.00, but I am sure he can find a better deal on base or whatever. If he has a STAR card, he can buy it tax free at the base exchange or online.

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