
What are the advantages of being Aryan?

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It turns out my father is of the Aryan race.




  1. hahahahahaha.

  2. None. The concept is a racialist fantasy, which defines nothing that actually exists.

  3. your what hitler wanted

  4. Your salary will be 50% higher in anything you do.

  5. There's no such thing as the Aryan race. It was a concept invented by Hitler.

  6. Everyone hates you for something you didn't personally do, all the jobs you qualify for go to "minorities" who are far less qualified, and you are judged against for the color of your skin your entire life.

    Oh wait.  None of those are advantages...

  7. actually Aryan people are thought to have come out of northern India, so the advantages of being Aryan, or from India, would be most good jobs get outsourced to you. you get to wear that really cool dot on your forehead,and you get  all the free slurpees you want from your ownership of the quick-E Mart

  8. The term "Aryan" is not a racial or ethnic group.  It is actually the name of an indo-european language that probably originated from northern india.  When Hitler used the term "Aryan" he was speaking of dark age german tribes.Such as Angles, Saxons, Goths, Franks, Vandals etc etc, that came to dominate much of western europe after the fall of the Roman empire.  So actually Hitler definition of aryan was german.  Now if you are speaking of the advantages of having a typical european complexion I would say: fair skin, because fair skin absorbes more sunlight and is probably better suited for cold enviroments where sunlights is more limited compared to other areas.

  9. nice hair,skin, noses and blue or green eyes is a start

  10. Aryan ? you mean he's German ? there is no more advantage then anyone else.

  11. In an Indian context, Aryan and Brahman are near synonymous terms, so whatever residual social status accrues to membership in the Brahman caste is inherent in Aryanism.  As to genetic advantages? They are nonexistent.

  12. you are white.

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