
What are the advantages of being a vegan over a non vegeterian?

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are you a vegan?if so why do u think being a vegeterian is better?




  1. if animals suddenly break out with weird disease that we dont know about till someone gets sick you want get it... you dont have to worry about mad cow disease or tainted pork.

    you can say you help animals instead of hurting them and your doing a good thing.

  2. You c**p better and more regular. The level of stink is awesome,baby.

  3. A "vegan" is someone who not only doesn't eat meat. . .but they eat nothing that has "dairy" in it, too.  And the reason for that, is because dairy prouducts come from animals.

    Now a vegetarian is someone who just doesn't eat meat. . .but WILL eat dairy products.

    If you're a vegetarian you run a WAY LOWER RISK OF CONTRACTING "E. COLI".  Now THAT'S a good reason for NOT eating meat.  And you spare an animal's life. . .TOO!

  4. I'm vegan for ethical reasons and health reasons. Vegans have a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, high cholestrol...etc then people who eat meat/ eggs and drink milk regularly. There are also a lot of chemicals and stuff in animal products.  

  5. vegans are generally way more self righteous and smug than vegetarians, in my experience.

  6. brag right.  

  7. There are no general advantages of being a vegan over a non vegan. However, on an individual basis, a vegan obviously thinks his/her life is benefiting from is/her lifestyle. Otherwise, why do it at all?

    A non vegan thinks exactly the same way

  8. I am a vegan and I think meat is gross and they kill animals to get it I love animals so I stopped eating it it has pus and deceases and really bad stuff in it they pump the cow chicken etc.. with hormones to make them grow faster and then you eat in and it can make you sick or even make you have hormone problems like early puberty so that's just to name a few good luck going vegan if your not already =^..^= be kind to animals and they will be kind to you  

  9. You can feel morally superior to mere mortals.

  10. helping animals to stay alive :)  

  11. well im a vegeterrian we used to be vegan but it is very hbard you basically have tomake ur own food from scratch well vegeterian i would recommend being a vegeerian

    thats  my opinion

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