
What are the advantages of being an introvert?

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What are the advantages of being an introvert?




  1. ***Not as much chance of offending someone.

    ***Don't stick you foot in your mouth as often

    ***Don't have to apologize as often

    ***You learn more because you listen instead of speak

    ***You keep people guessing as to what you're thinking so

         you have a chance to change your mind without being

         embarrassed by it

    ***You are often you can do what you want

         without criticism or rebuke

    ***Not as much is expected of you because you don't flaunt

        your wares

    And so on.......

  2. ..being an introvert is not a negative trait

    being naturally introverted means you are selective with what special people you open up to and share yourself with

    you are calm, think things through before being aggressive or assertive

    you may find a way to express yourself without talking to others also like writing, art, music

    just because you are an introvert doesnt mean you will always be either..being an extrovert has its advantages also.

  3. You can entertain yourself without bothering others.  Live simple, quiet lives.

  4. I'm one.  And I don't have an answer to that.  I just know I get "ignored" a lot.

  5. Introverts usually don't go to partys, night clubs, and are usually not confrontational. You do not open yourself up to attacks. You tend to experience less rejection, but also experience less successes, in most cases.

  6. Possibly, introverts, because we are focused on ourselves more often, notice our own faults more frequently than extroverts.  Maybe, because of this, we spend more time trying to improve ourselves.  Perhaps we cause fewer problems and have less stressful lives........i hope so!

  7. Privacy and the status of being mysterious?

    ANother one is all of your friends are true friends, not just for a day.

  8. You don't have to worry so much about people bothering you to do something for them?

  9. By being an introvert, one can experience a rejuvenation, extraterrestrial oh my feelings.

  10. Well,

    you'll have a lot of time to spend thinking about things

    there'll be less gossip about you

    not as much drama

    ALOS, you'll probably be a good writer, because what you dont say but want to say will go down on paper. who knows, maybe you'll write a bestseller?

    well im sure you already know because of your personality but make sure you get out there a bit too. i'm an introvert but i still talk to a lot of people and go to parties and stuff

    i dont get into a lot of drama but help my friends out wiht their problems

    mucho love♥

  11. Not much drama.  Once you become an extrovert, you have a lot of drama.  Less chances of STDs, etc.

  12. We don't get scared or annoyed when alone, and we aren't loud jerks anywhere near as often as extroverts. We also think about our answers more carefully before answering, and are much better listeners.

  13. You focus on yourself more than necessary. It can lead to great personal accomplishments in the areas of writing or jewelry making, for example.

  14. don't say things that you'll regret, you don't share your deep secrets for others to blab.

    I think the disadvantages outnumber the advantages though.

  15. you can survive more than extroverts. if--hypothetically speaking--the world was destroyed and you were the only one left, then you would be able to survive. extroverts would die because they don't have anyone to talk with.

  16. People will always judge and be critical, but true introverts possess eternal Faith, Grace, Peace, Hope and Serenity.

  17. people won't judge you :)

  18. No one will ever notice you.....I guess.

  19. An introvert reflects emotions within (compare with extroverts, who reflect to the outside). Introverts are quiet, take a little time to meet friends. Their trust to themselves is somewhat rocky, as their trust to others. However, they are more understanding and mature about things, with the exception of the extrovert, who will get into trouble by not shutting their pie holes :) An introvert will be more quiet, more realistic about their surroundings, but their emotions are locked; be EMOTIONALLY prepared to talk to one. However,introvert people's secrets are revealing and shocking, but exciting.

    P.S: I have both things :)

  20. You get to spend a lot of time with yourself.

    You can hate yourself as much as you like.

    You decide who makes the decisions.

    You can be as popular as anyone in your own mind.

    When you die you know you'll be alone.

    You can be a legend in your own mind.

  21. You dont have to talk to people?

  22. You don't need other people - you could be on a deserted island and be perfectly happy with your own company

  23. You can hear and perceive more than people who are too busy talking.  You can learn vicariously by listening and observing others.

    The downside is that if you don't take risks then you can't learn as much from personal experience.

  24. You're not one of those extroverted people who think they're better than you because they're popular.

  25. im happy as one. (sometimes extroverts dont understand though)

  26. There are none...

    They're all a bunch of d**n party poopers...

    (Just kidding...I love youze guyz...)

  27. When you are having a bad hair day no one notices ...

  28. an introvert can easily accomplish things like learning instruments. accomplishing work, dealing with pettie[sp?] problems among other beifets.

    Keep in mind, an introvert dosen't nessesicarily[sp?] have to always keep to themself. an introvert can binge on friendlieness whenever they want.

    an introvert should never lock themself out of the world. instead they ought to spend less time on making friendsips and such things as partying and other popular.

    use it as a chance to improve yourself, not a way to get away.

  29. we are less noticed and not being talked about that much

  30. You don't have to deal with your phone ringing (which i hate) or people coming to your house (which i also hate) or people trying to talk to you (which i hate the most).

  31. by limiting your interactions with others you lower your chances of being hurt

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