
What are the advantages of forest conservation?

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What are the advantages of forest conservation?




  1. trees produce oxygen, wich is one of the basis of life in this planet, while cleaning carbon-monoxid and carbon-dioxid, wich are toxic

  2. 1) aesthetics

    2) preserve for future generations

    3) as always reduce ghg (act as a carbon sink)

    4) protect species from becoming endangered and Extinct.

    5) Important for ecosystem as a whole (like symbiotic relationships between plants, trees and mushrooms etc..)

  3. A well managed forest is good for the environment and a renewable resource.  Having come from a family of loggers I have seen the benefits of the forest.  Cutting trees properly helps keep a forest healthy and strong and sustainable for future use.  The biggest problem is when the forest land is sold off and subdivided for people to build homes.

  4. Not just forest but all plants recycle the CO2 to oxygen and  fossil fuels.

  5. I'm taking a tropical ecology class at my college right now, and my professor says that saving the forest not only helps mitigate the effects of carbon in the atmosphere but also helps protect and preserve the species of animals and plants living in the forests. For example, conserving the rainforests of the Amazon Basin could save thousands of species of animals living in the canopy of the forest.

  6. Habitat preservation is one advantage. All organisms occupy a niche in their economies. The dodo bird, although driven to extintion through over hunting actually played an important role on the Mauritius island. What occurred was as dodo populations began to decline so did the population of an indigenous species of trees. This tree was dependant upon the dodo species for its survival. The dodo consumed the fruit from this tree, and through digestion and excretion of the seed, the tree was reproducing. As we eradicate one species other species begin to decline. Remember food chains and food webs, and how preditors and consumers are related. Other advantages are, forest provide buffer zones for sediment and nutrient runoff into aquatic systems, thereby reducing the potential for eutrophication. Forest and buffer zones uptake nutrients before the nutrients enters a body of water (much like grassy vegetation does), thereby preventing bodies of water from turning anaerobic via microbial activity and preserving aquatic species.

  7. trees convert co2 int o2 this makes them very useful in our environment specially this time when environmentalist  are more considered about global warming .u can even breath fresh air if u conserve forests (not the air which is present now).

  8. Advantages:

    control soil erosion

    provide fuel wood

    break the force of wind thereby prevent the removal of top soil particles

    provide oxygen and helps in maintaining carbon cycle

    shelter for various animals

    cools the environment and helps in maintaining ecological balance

    provides material for the rubber,paper,etc industry

    controls global warming and pollution

  9. dead trees still make good lumber

  10. It helps to reduce green house gases that causes global warming ,reduce the risk of  natural catastrophe  such as typhoon, floods, landslides ,provide much oxygen that we need and it also provide  shelter for the animals...

  11. more paper!

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