
What are the advantages of graduating high school early?

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I'm thinking about graduating high school one year early. What are the advantages of doing this and do I have higher chances of getting into high school?




  1. you mean getting into college right????

    well yes if you graduate highschool early it does show colleges that you are a hard worker and dedicated to you education. plus if your a book worm you'll like it bc thats all you'll be doing lol.

    but the disadvantages....well highschool is supposed to be the time of your life. and you'll misout on that if all you put all your attention on your studies. like i know that sounds like lacking off but in reality balancing a normal social life w. being smart and having a great education is what the real world is going to ask of you. bc if you go into something the boss usually wants you to be able to socialize and just be a nice person and outgoing person so you get the job done and get things sold to the customers.

    so its kinda a win loose situation..from either perspective

  2. actually, it looks lazy to colleges if you graduate early (because they like you to take extra classes your senior yr.) unless you do something with it like volunteer, work at an interesting job, or travel to another country... in this case they think it's cool. Maybe you should just graduate in December and volunteer at children's hospital or something related to what you want to major in.

  3. I would have loved to have graduated early. There was nothing that happened in my last year of high school that would have outweighed the chance at starting college a year early!

    Advantages are that you get to move on with your life instead of being stuck in an artificial situation most of the day. College, while demanding, doesn't ask of you to be sitting in a desk for 6 hours each and every day. Your chances increase as your marks or other admissions' criteria increase.

  4. If you happen to have a chance to graduate early, go for it! My mistake was I had a chance but I wanted to walk with my friends.

    The advantage is that you can go to college one year early and by the time you are a senior in college, your friends will be juniors.

    Take the ball and RUN!!!!!

    Congrats, it is a honor.

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