
What are the advantages of inorganic fertilisers?

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  1. They are readily available and easy to apply. With a soil test you can apply the exact amount of nutrients that you need, including the micro nutrients. You pay for exactly what what you need and control excess fertilizer which could run off into streams and rivers.

  2. the invention of fertilizer increased food . Unfortunately the result was an increase in quantity of humans. therefore the invention was worthless.

  3. They're consistent, as far as nutritional content.

    They can be tuned to a particular application for what the crop needs.  For example, if a peanut crop does not need nitrogen, an inorganic fertilizer with low nitrogen could be used.  If manure were used, it would also fertilize weeds.

    They may be cheaper, considering transportation costs, storage costs, etc.

    They are free of weed seeds and diseases.

  4. bigger fruits or crops are produced and you get lots of money from it...(but then you eventually lose it if your crop is damaged)

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