
What are the advantages of joining rallies? various rallies?

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What are the advantages of joining rallies? various rallies?




  1. You will meet like minded individuals

    You may develop new contact information for the subject or cause you are supporting

    Amnesty International

    Doctors Without Borders  (USA)

    Medecins Sans Frontieres (International)

    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

  2. I've taken part in a lot of rallies. Are you looking for advantages for yourself or for others?

    Well, for yourself you get to meet people who think like you and who have similar interests/beliefs. Also, you learn a lot! There are usually speakers and people to answer questions.

    But the more people there are at rallies, the more people pay attention to what's going on and they raise awareness of the issue at hand.

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