
What are the advantages of organic manure over commercial fertilisers?

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cost, effect on soil




  1. It is great for your neighbors -- they will love the aroma.  You will be able to enjoy all of the flies you will raise.

  2. Organic fertilizer releases nutrients slower, meaning you don't have to put it down as often.  However, man-made stuff works faster, giving near-instant results.

    I wouldn't say organic is cheaper, uinless you have a farmer friend who gives it to you.  Organic lawn fertilizer, for instance, needs to be applied so much more "thickly", that it winds up costing several times more than even name-brand stull like Scotts.

  3. cost is the biggest advantage. Also the organic manure doesn't have alot of stuff in it that the soil doesn't need or use.

  4. chemical fertilizers are usually salts of various elements and do nothing to feed the soil. Thus long term use of such things will leave the soil depleted and devoid of life which is not a good thing. They also are not broad spectrum, most supplying 3 to 5 nutrients, the basic three being NPK (Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus). Chemical fertilizers originally came to being because there was so much left over bomb making waste from the world wars, especially WWII

    Organic fertilizers are broad spectrum containing at least 20 nutrients (and often more). things like manure, compost and green manures add organic matter to the soil and feed the life that lives within the soil (healthy soil should have around a billion critters per teaspoon). Other ferts such as hard rock phosphate are not broad spectrum and add certain nutrients nutrients to the soil over a very long time (15 to 20 years in the case of this example)

    So the advantage of organic over chemical (both can be commercial) is organic actually feeds and builds soil which in turn means the plants planted in that soil will be healthier and more able to fend off pests and diseases. the other advantage is a lot of organic inputs can be made by the grower thus cheaper and you know exactly what's in there. not to mention the formation of chemical fertilizers use a lot of petroleum and put out a lot of pollution.

  5. Commercial fertilizers contain nitrogen which is sometimes harmful to the soil. This can cause your plants to becomes unbalanced in nutrients. By using your organic manure it will be safer for the environment, the plants, and the people.

  6. Organic manure is safe for earth as well as for people. If you use organic manure on your lawn, kids can play on it. whereas if you use chemicals for your lawn, you can't leave babys to play on your lawn as they can pick the grass and put it in their mouth.

    The other advantage of using organic manure is, when it rains, some of the manure is washed into the streams which finally end up in our drinking water. If you use chemicals, some of its residue will be left in the drinking water even after it is processed.

    disadvantage - it costs a little more than the chemical fertilizers. But you can make the compost at your home.Again, you need to spend money to bbuy the compost machine.

    effect on soil - it is always good to use natural stuff on nature. so, it is good to use oraganic products instead of chemicals.

  7. Composted manure adds nutrients as well as bulk to the soil, usually causing it to be lighter.  Manure that is well mixed in to native soil will not burn plant roots as chemical fertilizers can do if applied improperly.

    I use a little of both.

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