
What are the advantages of purchasing a medium-priced product?

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By medium-priced, i mean around £15-£20. Are there any plus points in a product itself whose price is not higher than this and if so what are they? For example: keeps under the budget of a middle-class family's income.




  1. Just a ridiculously vague question, it depends entirely on the product - £15-£20 is very cheap for a car, but very dear for a pencil.

  2. What a confusing question! ...  If the medium-priced product has more quantity and is a better buy per weight, you would buy it.  Usually larger products are cheaper per weight, although sometimes the smallest size is actually cheaper by weight......

  3. £15-£20 would be cheap for a plasma screen TV but expensive for a toothbrush, its all relative.

  4. Price does not necessarily govern the quality or usefulness of an item. Many companies now persuade their salespeople to assess a customer's needs and sell them the appropriate product, which is more often than not within the medium price bracket.

    It all depends what you want to buy.

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