
What are the advantages of semicondutors on mp3/ipod?

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can you explain what's the use of the semiconductors based on its advantage? i mean example: if you say semiconductors can help the mp3 be portable..please explain how will it help the mp3 be portable..thanks!




  1. If you didn't have semiconductors in an Ipod, you would have to use a different technology - like vacuum tubes.  These require more power, so you would need more and bigger batteries.  Your Ipod would probably end up the size of a small suitcase, and weigh 30 pounds or more.

    Ask your parents (or your grandparents) what a "portable radio" was like in the days before transistors.  If they could afford one at all, they were bulky and heavy.  And that was just a radio!  It couldn't play music (except what was being broadcast), much less video!

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