
What are the advantages of sexual reproduction over Asexual reproduction?

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And how might sexual reproduction provide an advantage over asexual reproduction for the survival of a species?




  1. year 13 biology anyone? Ur taking me back a bit here but I do remember one point.

    Sexual reproduction helps survivial of the species because you get variety in the offspring. This allows certain genetic traits to be taken on board to suit current conditions. If you like, survival of the fittest, the species improves. For example, if there are certain uhm cats with thicker coats and its really cold, the offspring with thicker coats are more likely to survive than the ones with thinner coats- and therefore there will be a change in the breed of cats- they are more likely to become a thick coated species. In asexual reproduction there is no variety, so the species is either a hit or miss, it cant adapt.

    Did that make any sense, sorry its bin 3 years and it was my least fav subject!

  2. the advantage is that sexual reproduction crates more diversity and there fore different types of resistance against different treats. A-sexual reproduction makes the exact same copy, this means that if some sort of virus mutated to kill something that was asexual it would wipe out the whole entire species because that species did not have different characteristics. Since they had all the same genetics they would all die of the same thing. So divercity is the key to survival and sexual reproduction creates divercity.  

  3. It just feels.....Well it just feels better, for some reason.

  4. Interestingly, there are species of plants for which no sexual reproduction has been documented.  A particular fern has many, many copies of each chromosome making it impossible to form s*x cells through meiosis.  The fern lives in a very stable environment and has an advantage of being able to reproduce rapidly and fill the niche.  However, if the climate warming destabilizes the niche, that fern will be in serious trouble in that it won't be able to adapt to the new climate.

    Those organisms that reproduce sexual randomly distribute chromosomes creating new combinations that may prove beneficial to the offspring in a changing environment.

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