
What are the advantages of tidal power?

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What are the advantages of tidal power?




  1. It is a good form of supplemental power for regional use where conditions favor it. Unfortunately there are very few locations world wide where it is really usable and practical.

  2. The advantages are that it is a reliable source of energy with no know negative side effects.  The downside though, is that it is very limited by geography for where it can be used.

    As far as I know the only place it is used is in the Bay of Fundy in eastern Canada.  This bay has the largest tidal range in the world.

  3. it can generate electricity without emitting pollution

  4. The most important advantage is that we will always have tidal power as long as we have a moon.It's a very cheap sourse of power,if only we could find a practicle way to harness it.

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