
What are the advantages of wearing CIVILIAN CLOTHES over wearing a uniform to SCHOOL?

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I'm doing a paper, and I'm lacking one argument. I'm ANTI-uniform, and so far, I only have: Not having a uniform 1) gives more comfort, and 2) promotes individualism. I should have 3. So please please please HELP! I'M ANTI-UNIFORM, so I need ADVANTAGES of CIVILIAN CLOTHING.

If you are against the idea of wearing CIVILIAN CLOTHING to school, and wouldn't be able to give an argument favoring civilian, might as well not answer. The "School uniform is better because it looks more decent thing" wouldn't be helping me, or answering this question, AT ALL. Thank you. Please help! =(

10 Points for whoever gives me a SOLID answer.




  1. Wearing an uniform ends the distinctions of rich and poor, trendy or slob, tattered clothes or posh, folk or traditional clothing, brands... and most importantly makes the kids center their attention  in other issues than fashion, trends and differences. Also your clothes don't wear out. I vote for it.

    The only advantage of using your own clothes is the price you don't  pay for the uniform. Also you can show your style and you power of acquisition.

  2. the point of going to school is to prepare its students for the real world and in the real word there ARE going to be people who are different  

  3. How about affordability? Who has the extra money for a uniform that is so ugly you' never WANT to wear it anywhere else. By opting out for civies, kids & parents save.

  4. you have your own style and personality

  5. well some reasons y i prefer civilian clothing is because not the same outfit would look good on everyone and not everyone would feel good in it.  also its hard to show your presonality when everyone is dressed the same.  i would hate to blend in with everyone else.. i really love lots of color too and the school uniforms that ive seen have little to no color in them  

  6. Cost and better preparedness for life after school.  IMHO though you should wear a uniform so its hard for me to think of too many more.



  7. Okay, I'm a student who has had to wear uniforms and regular clothes and here's a few things that people have proposed that you should not use! Don't say it cost less money because uniforms are so much cheaper, that will backfire on you. Also don't say it creates everyone to blend in becuase that's so not true. Okay an advantage for regular clothes is it gives students a chance to express themselves, which will make them less rebelious in other forms.

  8. Its against the constitution, and besides, thats such a common argument I'm sure google would give you all you need.

  9. uniform:

    1. equality among students- no discrimination based on looks

    2. cost effective- 1 outfit only

    3. you still have individualism, just not with clothing

    4. comfortable

    i read your description on the issue and the best way to defend your position is to find flaws in the other view and to do that you have to think about thier arguments

  10. One of the ideas behind school uniforms is that it will lessen 'bullying and teasing' because everyone is wearing the same thing.

    But kids are going to find reasons to tease about thousands of things, even with uniforms.

    These uniforms are usually expensive, some parents/kids can't afford them.

    Uniforms will lead to students using other forms of fashion expression, if that is what you want to call it, such as makeup or jewelry or hairstyles. By doing this students are rebelling against the uniform code anyways. The argument built here is that uniforms do not stop students from forming groups like they are intended to.

    School uniforms are wasteful once the child is out of school.

    A school uniform imposes on a students freedom of choice.

    Hope I helped!


    Uniforms are expensive and cost parents money, regardless of what others say on here. That argument will not backfire on you.

    Think about it..  if you have to wear a uniform your parents have to buy this uniform, most likely more than 1 so they wash less and then they have to buy you clothes to wear on weekends, days off, and holidays.

  11. I'm pro-uniform. I think it gives everyone an equal shot. I think the clothes should be taylored fit. Promotes equality. No one has the better belt, the better shoes, the better shirt. Has teachers feeling more in control of what they should be. Promotes conformity. I like the idea.  

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