
What are the advatages of using a textbook compared with using only the Internet?

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What are the advatages of using a textbook compared with using only the Internet?




  1. No advantage really unless you are taking a class where you have an instructor who insists on the material offered in the textbook. I know at times I have diffiiculty understanding the explanation in a textbook but having access to multiple points of view on the internet can clarify things on math, science, etc related questions. History, philosophy are subjective materials open to interpretation, so depending on your school, class, instructor, then it can be hard to know which point of view is correct, contains more facts, etc so you have to take it with a grain of salt.  

  2. The textbook has exactly what your teacher expects you to know.  If something you found on the web is different from what is in the textbook, your teacher expects you to follow from your textbook.  its just easier to use your textbook.

    if you want you can use an online textbook.  there is no big difference between the online version and the book one.  the online version may have a game or extra insight that the book doesnt have.

    stick with your textbook instead of looking the stuff randomly on the web.

    it depends on your preferences if you want to use the online version of the textbook or the book one.

  3. The textbook's information has a more reliable  source than the Internet usually.

  4. Less easy to get distracted? A textbook is likely to have been written by an expert on the subject so it's info is probably more reliable

  5. If you pick your Internet site correctly, there isn't a difference. In fact, your textbook may actually be on the Internet. The Internet has biased sites, but textbooks are also biased. The best advantage to the Internet OVER textbooks is you have different sources readily available to help you discover that bias. The biggest disadvantage to the Internet is many people are taken in by pretty or popular sites instead of checking the source of the material. Wikipedia is a great example.

  6. The main advantage of your textbook is that it, because the classroom instruction has been designed around it, its focus and organization are optimal for your course.  The internet is handy as a supplement and for exploring questions that are not covered in the book (or required by your teacher), but with skillful use of the textbook, you can use your study time more efficiently.

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