
What are the affects of a game console being hooked up to a flat screen TV??

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I recently purchased a sony Bravia flat screen tv. I seldomely play video games although im 18 haha but I hooked up the ps2 a few days ago to watch a couple of dvds, nd played madden a little here and there. Long Term, Short Term will a console of any sort/ not only ps2 damage my TV..if so specifically in what way?? Should i hook it up once and while when I wanna play with friends and when im done I could unplug it or completely never hook it up to my Flat Screen? When do damages ** if so start taking place? Thank you




  1. The Sony Bravia LCD set is a good choice for use with video games.  It has an excellent picture and good detail. There is no danger of burn in as with plasma sets.  Burn in occurs with plasma sets when a stationary scene is left on the screen for several hours.  The phosphor is overheated where the stationary pattern was.  The phosphor is chemically altered so that the light output from those phosphor dots is permanently degraded.  A dull gray "ghost image"  of the stationary pattern will always be visible.  On an LCD set there are no phosphors involved thus no burn in.  You can leave it hooked up, just make sure it and the TV are off when you are done. (it will not cause any damage, mostly for energy conservation)

  2. having a console hooked up to a tv will not damage the tv in anyway....why do you think tv's these days come with so many port to plug stuff into.....hook it and leave it, i have serveral things connected at all time to my problems.

  3. It depends on what kind of flat screen television you have if you have Plasma yes you can damage your television screen because Plasma televisions get burn in where the image gets burnt into the screen and you will see it all the time....if you have a Plasma TV then limit your game playing to no more than 1 hour or 2 hours maximum and don't pause your game and leave it there for more than a few minutes.

    If you have an LCD flat screen TV your good to go those televisions are made for everything including playing game'll have no worries with an LCD TV.

  4. the console will not damage the tv, the only thing that will damage the tv would be internal failures and or physical damage....i to have a flat screen tv and play my ps2 on it everyday!!!!

  5. none its perfectly fine

  6. Our daughter bought herself a 40" flat screen TV specifically for playing her video games.  As long as you turn the video game off when done, you will not cause burn-in on the TV.  Oh, she has just about all the systems that you can have, XBox 360, Playstation 2, Nintendo Wii and I think she even has an old Sega Genesis.  She sometimes plays  for 6 or 7 hours at a time on her days off from work.

  7. I can't see a playstation or other console causing a problem especially as its a SONY tv and they are currently promoting them by giving away free playstions. plus a lot of consumers use them for playing consoles so it is in the manufacturers interest to make them as compatible as possible. would you by a tv that didn't play the latest next gen console? they want to give us the full HD experience and that includes PS.

  8. nah man no need to worry about a thing i have the smae TV best answer plz :D

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