
What are the affects of mouse poison?

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Okay, ultimately they die but what happens before? I've spotted a couple of mice "disoriented" in my kitchen. Are they dying or are they mocking me?




  1. Warfarin is a blood thinner/anticoagulant.  The mice die from internal bleeding.  Now what is really weird is that this stuff is used as human medicine.  It's called coumadin and you probably know someone who takes it.

  2. most rodent poison including mouse poison thins their blood and effects its ability to clot so basically the bleed to death some times external so basically the run out of blood, or internal bleeding were they run of of blood, nerves get effected of if the bleed is in the brain have a stroke, blood is poisonis to the brain which is why we have the blood brain barrier.

    so they are dying not mocking you

  3. its anti-coagulant which means that it thins their blood.they die of external and internal bleeding.I should know cuz i saw this happen to one of my hamsters

  4. Most mouse poisons are based on an anticoagulant. The mouse suffers internal bleeding, sometimes in the brain, which can lead to confusion and unusual behaviour. So I guess they were dying

  5. It depends on the poison-type but many use strychnine.

    Strychnine poisoning is pretty nasty.  It disrupts communication between the nervous system and the muscles.  Thus, the victim may start twitching.... then convulsing... then dead due to asphyxiation (the diaphragm muscle that controls breathing convulses or becomes exhausted.... the outcome is then inevitable).

    It could certainly appear at first that the mouse was "disoriented" because if it ate strychniine it's losing control of it's muscles.

    Hope this helps.

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