
What are the affects of using pesticides and other things on the environment?

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has anyone got any websites which would be useful on reasearching the affects of this on ecosystems?




  1. You really need to narrow down your question.  Pesticides of course effect the ecosystem of the pest they are designed to kill, or discourage or prevent from harming a plant, animal or physical structure.  But if you are referring to a particular ecosystem the effect of a pesticide could be more easily discussed.  Such as, what was the effect on the Chesapeake bay, ecosystem from DDT use.  Or what was the effect on the Afican ecosystem due to  DDT not being used.  General questions like yours are so global, a good answer is difficult even if you find a good website.  You should also identify what part of the environment you want to discuss.  Is it your environment, including all the animal and plant life including microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, fungi etc. Or are you particularly interested in one species or group.  Plus maybe you should narrow your search by which pesticides, pick a type, pick a target and pick an environment or ecosystem.  Then you can do a decent literature search on the Internet.  Good luck.


    There are a couple sites.

  3. Chemicals released into the environment may have a variety of adverse ecological effects. Ranging from fish and wildlife kills to forest decline, ecological effects can be long-term or short-lived changes in the normal functioning of an ecosystem, resulting in economic, social, and aesthetic losses. These potential effects are an important reason for regulation of pesticides, toxic substances, and other sources of pollution.

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