
What are the alternative fules in the 1-20 horsepower range?

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What are the alternative fules in the 1-20 horsepower range?




  1. there are many alternative energy or fuel that you can use to power your engine. here is a list i made for you to choose from

    Biodiesel -  is a renewable alternative fuel produced from a wide range of vegetable oils and animal fats. Pure biodiesel or biodiesel blended with petroleum diesel can be used to fuel diesel vehicles, providing energy security and emissions and safety

    Electricity  - can be used to power electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles directly from the power grid. Vehicles that run on electricity produce no tailpipe emissions. The only emissions that can be attributed to electricity are those generated in the production process at the power plant. Electricity is easily accessible for short-range driving.

    Ethanol  - is a renewable transportation fuel primarily made from starch crops, such as corn. It is also made from sugar beets and cane or cellulosic materials, such as fast-growing trees and grasses. Nearly one-third of U.S. gasoline contains ethanol in a low-level blend to reduce air pollution

    Hydrogen  - has the potential to revolutionize transportation and, possibly, our entire energy system. The simplest and most abundant element in the universe, hydrogen can be produced from fossil fuels and biomass and even by electrolyzing water. Producing hydrogen with renewable energy and using it in fuel cell vehicles holds the promise of virtually pollution-free transportation and independence from imported petroleum.

    Natural gas -  is a domestically produced alternative fuel and is readily available to end users through the utility infrastructure. It can produce significantly fewer harmful emissions than gasoline or diesel when used in natural gas vehicles.

    Propane -  also known as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), is used by many fleets. It has a high energy density, giving propane vehicles good driving range, and propane fueling infrastructure is widespread.

    or check out this sites for more info

  2. 1-20 horses

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