
What are the alternative treatments for a type 1 diabetics?

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Herbs, Supplements, Lifestyle Choices....what can a type 1 diabetic do, all things that come to mind, to not make the medication the only base of health....thank you




  1. For Type 1 diabetics, insulin is a necessity and there are no alternatives. But it is very, very important to live a well-regulated life, as advised by a doctor who specializes in the disease. Watching your blood sugar, your diet, and your weight should become second nature.

    If you want to fiddle with magical herbs, it's ok within limits. But keep your doctor informed, as there are "supplements" and "lifestyle choices" than can s***w things up.

  2. I heard about islet replacement therapy in mexico that is curring diabetes, not sure about the details though.

    But I personally would be looking into it, this type of transplant though does not need anti rejection medicine, they kind of just move in.  I would though be taking some Australian Bush Flower Essences for immune problems and Waratah to ensure that things would go well (might be a good idea to take it now in any case with Peach-flowered Tea-tree as the theory is that the immune system attacked the islets some think after vaccination triggered the immune system, so treating the immune system would make it less likely to repeat.  I would tend to avoid vaccinations though after.

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

  3. here is one thing that i learned from my aunt

    get in shape, eat healthy foods and dont do anything to rough and you will be fine

  4. There are of course herbs and fruits...stuff like that are supposed to help, but I do hope you know that a type one diabetic NEEDS to take insulin. Their pancreas makes little to no insulin, so insulin must be taken before eating and at night. If you have type one, definitely eat healthy LOW CARB foods. Carbohydrates are a big problem for diabetics. Exercise and getting in shape will improve the general health and slow the progress of diabetes related problems (diminished eyesight, kidney problems). Don't drink alcohol as it is usually high in carbs and sugars. But there is honestly no way around taking the insulin like for type 2 diabetics, where the diabetes is usually brought on by obesity or the body's inability to use insulin. If you don't use insulin, your blood sugar will become very high after eating, and this could easily put you into a coma.

  5. Jerusalem Artichoke is number one on the list it is very important for the production and utilization of insulin almost like a insulin injection. You can find them in a health food store and some super markets - they  almost look like ginger roots but are darker and have the texture of a potatoe eat a few a week - about maybe the size of an egg. eat them raw maybe grated in a salad or steamed.  Lots of greens and stop drinking coffee (probably also all caffeine like tea and chocolate and those energy drinks like red bull) with any meal and drink it black no milk or cream. No refined carbs, stay away from the cold weather or move South. Contrary to what is advocated you should eat fruits but stay away from refined carbs like pasta, candy and refined breads and pizzas. oh and you can also use honey in moderation. Stay away from aspartame it is poison and turns into strychnine when exposed to heat (like your body).

  6. fra_guerro- your suggestion might work for a type 2 diabetic, not type one.

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