
What are the alternatives to novocaine?

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I'm getting some cavities filled in the morning and I'm worried about anaesthetics. I can't get novocaine because the one and only time I received it, my throat swelled up and my heart rate skyrocketed. My grandpa gets the gas, but how does that work? Are there any other alternatives? I'm a little iffy about going in with no painkiller.




  1. Novocaine is a local anesthetic; there are other options to having local.  The reaction you got sounds like you got the injection into an artery; novocaine usually has epinephrine in it (the epinephrine acts as a vasoconstrictor, to help prevent too much bleeding in that area).  if the local is accidently injected into an artery, the epinephrine will cause your heart rate to increase.  

    If your cavity isn't that deep, you can go without local anesthesia.  however, if it is deep, you will need it regardless.  Having laughing gas or being put to sleep still requires local anesthesia.  You just won't be aware of getting it.  When i worked on patients in the operating room and did dentistry, we still had to anesthetize them with local anesthesia.  

    There are different types of local anesthesia, if you are concerned about your heart rate going up.  There are some without epinephrine (there's one out called marcaine).  You might want to discuss those options with your dentist.

    hope that helps

  2. Ask for an anesthetic that does not contain epinephrine such as Citanest Plain.  The reaction you had sounds like a reaction to the epinephrine, but I wouldn't call it an allergy.  I have had the same reaction myself once before, but have had several injections since and given thousands of dental injections without that happening.  Nitrous (gas) only helps to relax you (anxiolysis), it doesn't stop pain.  

    Also, for the record, we don't use NOVOCAINE anymore and haven't for a long time....  Typically, lidocaine or articaine are used.

  3. I know they have lidocaine, which is similar to novocaine as it's a shot they inject, but it's much milder and doesn't last as long. That's the only other one I know of.

    Don't do it without pain killer if you can help it, it hurts like h**l!

  4. Gas makes you super happy and distracted, or you can get general anesthesia in an IV (my personal favorite).  They also have a pill, it puts you to sleep I think like ambien.  It probably would have been a good idea to discuss this with your dentist before you scheduled the fillings, because some dentists aren't qualified to administer other forms of anesthesia.  But tell him or her when you get there, he'll have all the options and can refer you to someone else if necessary.

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