
What are the antigens and antibodies that go with the 4 main blood types?

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Blood Types: A, B, AB, and O

for example: i know that "O" is "i i"

(when using Punnett squares people!! thanks:])




  1. Blood type A has - A antigen B antibody

    Blood type B has - B antigen A antibody

    Blood type AB has - both A and B antigen no antibodies

    Blood type O has - no antigens both A and B antibodies.

  2. You can go on and find out more antigens on the red cells by phenotyping for the common rhesus antigens, D, C, E, d, c, e. (The D is rhesus positive and in O+, and the d is rhesus neg as in A-) It is also common to type for the Kell antigen. Some people have antibodies against further blood system antigens, usually after being transfused antigen positive blood, their immune system sees it as foreign and forms an antibody against it, usually this is no problem unless the patient is undergoing blood transfusion, then antigen negative blood much be fully crossmatched for the patient. these are known as alloantibodies - antibodies against antigens they lack.

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