
What are the applications of biotech in improving agriculture?

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What are the applications of biotech in improving agriculture?




  1. The use of biotech (GMO) in grain crops has allowed a reduction in the use of herbicides and pesticides in Texas and the USA.  Weed pressure has been greatly reduced and the use of atrazine and other herbicides has been reduced (granted the use of glyphosate is higher).  The result has been to maintain yield, somewhat lower the variance in yield while lowering (granted only slightly, hopefully less with each year.) the use of herbicides.  I have yet to find a unbiased report that indicates a significant change in livestock production (milk, meat and fiber) due to the use of biotech crops.  

    I am seeing farmers apply lower rates of atrazine with the GM corn because glyphosate can keep the fields clean.  In this part of the world, atrazine is a much larger threat to the environment than glyphosate.

    I have little experience with the Bt modified crops.  As I understand it, this option has not been adopted as readily as the Roundup Ready concept, but it does appear to work within certain parameters.

    At this time, GM crops are as sustainable as any other mono-culture crop, so I do not see that argument to be founded on rational thought.

  2. In context of the whole issues surrounding agriculture as the mode of food production - no improvements whatsoever... biotech is effectively weakening the gene-pool and threatening bio-diversity.  Bio-tech is dangerous.  

    I guess the only benefit I can see, but still not that great, is that biotech has aided in reducing the energies needed to produce crops. But the method of agriculture as the mode of production should be scrutinized greatly as it is NOT SUSTAINABLE at the scale at which countries are using it.

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