
What are the approximate running cost of a Sunseeker Predator 108

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What are the approximate running cost of a Sunseeker Predator 108




  1. Definition for yacht: If you have to ask you cannot afford it....JK...

    The sunseeker is a beautiful boat and for that is a performance motoryacht, the price though is very high and esecially the fuel prices.  

  2. I assume you are only intrested in the actual cost not including paid crew.  I assume you have the std. deisel engines, and are in open water and running the GEN(s) for Air etc.  At a cruise speed of 22mph (it's easier to calculate than Knots) Your burning nearly 110 GPH, 3 MTU 2000 eng at 1300.   and this week it was $4.83 per gal U.S. so Were looking at $530 per hour.  Now if you figure in other exp. like dockage, crew (3), food, hauling, oil changes etc you need to budget about $65,000 per year with actual running time of less than 500 hours.  I hope this helps.  Good Boating.  Oh! don't even think about running at the 43 MPH they say she'll do, you'd have to 3X the cost to gain maybe 20 MPH.  It is a really nice boat, and the opening sun roof is nice.  Oh! I almost forgot, the real expensive part is the girls, but if you can afford the boat.....

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