
What are the arguments for and against drilling for oil off America's coasts and in Alaska?

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I am interested in the rationale of those politicians supporting it, and those opposing it. thanks.




  1. It's a trust issue. WHy should we trust the executives of the industry that has caused us the most pain over the past eight years?

    It's a motivation issue. Why would those same executives try to ween the country off oil? Wouldn't that be shooting thmselves inthe foot?

    It's really pretty logical if you think about it. Desperate people will believe anything will fix their issues.  

  2. For there will be more oil thus more supply and lower prices ( works on paper does not figure corruption and greed into equation )


    will damage enviornemt not be ready for 7-10 yrs ( according tothis admin not the siera club )

    Even this oil will run out so this wil be recurrin problem till sustainable fuel found

    There is no real need oil demand is up slightly whats goin nuts its exon's profits and even if we shatter enviornment there is nothin to prevent those b******s for selling their new found treasure @ $150 a barrel. Gouhing laws are the real answer

  3. I don't know about the politicians, but I don't support it because the potential environmental damage outweighs the benefits.

    This country consumes millions of barrels of oil every single day.  Drilling in sensitive areas will not provide energy independence, only postpone the inevitable.  We need to move away from oil use altogether.

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