
What are the aspects of "veggie tales" which make it distinctly Christian?

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please be specific. from what I see in the bookstore it doesn't look any different from hi5 and I want to know some examples. don't just say "oh they sing songs and tell stories." cos lots of shows do that.




  1. All the VT's that I have seen are great!  They talk about God and the Bible and the things you should do to please God.  Like the Lyle the Vicking DVD is about sharing and how God wants us to share.

    My kids love Veggie Tales!

  2. The Veggie Tales don't always follow the Bible word for word, which bothers many Christians. But the stories do give God credit, teach morals, and make it all fun and funny. My 4-year old's favorite super hero is Larry Boy. My husband found many of the CDs on iTunes, you can listen to clips of the music and see what you think.

  3. it tells the stories that kids learn in sunday school, stuff from the bible. but in a fun way.

    im 13 and still luv da veggie tales!

  4. They talk about biblical themes (ie. David & Goliath, Johna & the Whale, etc.) but in easier concepts for children to understand and without the death scenes. Overall, the basic concepts are kindness, tolerance, patience, etc.

  5. Decode this lyrics " You raised me up"

    Ever wonder how ghostly stories on "Veggie tales was created back in the past?

    Back in the past.

    Those pioneers live at high altitude up in the mountain.

    Were poor in those days.

    Having bringing up children.

    They have farm animals

    With time and consumption of farm animals.

    They were left with a cow.

    Children  wanted to have meat.

    Mum needs the cow . milk for the

    With shortage of meat and too far down land to fish.

    Encourage "Veggie tales" for their survival before replenishing their food stock.

    Ever wonder who were climbing up the coconut trees and still look green with ghostly stories?

    Luke 9.60

  6. Some of the shows directly mention Jesus, but others just focus on the old testament and talk about God, but do not mention Jesus. My fiancee is jewish, and his little cousins (4 and 6) love Veggie Tales, but there mom makes sure she just lets them watch the ones that are on the old testament


  8. the stories are all bible based, and made for kids to understand while teaching a life lesson. some of them are just life lessons though, but i loved them as a kid, they have been around for a long time

  9. I am a mom and Sunday School teacher. We use the Veggie Tales videos in my Sunday School class.

    They all either tell a story from the bible or they use a lesson learned from the bible to apply to every day life.

    For example, there's one about being a good friend in which they mention Ruth and Elisha.

    They're great movies because they hold kids' attention AND get the lesson across.

  10. Others have explained the Christian aaspect but no one seems to have touched the hairbrush song.  Basically it is a song about caring and sharing.  I cannot remember all the words but the cubumber is singing about his lost hairbrush, "oh where is my hairbrush . . ." THen he discovers a friend has the hairbrush and he gets mad, but another friend points out to the Larry the Cucumber that he doesnt have any hair, "no fair no hair . . . "   In the end, he lets the friend borrow thte hairbrush or whatever.  Like I said, i cannot remember the specifics, I saw that song a few years ago but what you wanted to know, yes even it teaches a moral lesson.

  11. well it is based on different stories in the bible and at the end they have a bible verse that explains the story

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