
What are the average housewife chores around the house with a baby & And what are the average husband chores?

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What are the average housewife chores around the house with a baby & And what are the average husband chores?




  1. Now that would depend on if the husband is working all day long?  Its hard to try and do things with a baby so thats why you do them when they are sleeping!  If your at home taking care of the baby all day long then the house is your responsibility, he might help by watching the baby some when hes home from work and taking out the trash.

  2. This is kind of funny. I am a stay at home mom of 4 and we split the chores. I cook, take care of the kids, deal with the finances, do the laundry, clean the house with the kids helping, and he does the outside stuff, fixes the cars, cleans when I freak out, and scrubs the kitchen floor We are happily married for the last 11 years. Things have changed over the years as the kids have came along.

  3. well the average house wife shud just keep the house clean cook for her husband and take care of the child u also take money from your husband to pay for the bills if ur husband is comfortable with u paying the bills ...the husband shud work and handle the payment of all bills and expenses of the wife and child and handle certain jobs around the house such as taking the trash out n mowing the lawn plumbing a housewife it might seem you have little to do but trust me these things will keep you bust especially the baby...hope i helped

  4. I would say it's split about 90% (the wife) to 10% for the husband. It seems unfair but it's still 1950 for a lot of men out there!

  5. here husband does everything and works 7/wk

    try 7 kids, god bless my wife .... we try to split the chores, or delegate them to the kids, < age appropiate>  I take out garbage, fix everything and wash cloths, she cooks, watches soaps , and yells at the kiddos...

    and dishes.....i hate them....

    marriage is a 50 / 50 proposition....

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