
What are the ayurvedic properties of Baking Soda, Sodium Bicarbonate.?

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What are the ayurvedic properties of




  1. Ingredents:

    Calcium Carbonate (chalk), Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) and Purified Silica (from the earth) gently remove plaque. Xylitol (birch sugar) and Stevia (herbal extract) naturally sweeten and with brushing help reduce plaque and tartar. Carrageenan (seaweed extract) nourishes, while Decyl Glucoside (glucose from corn oils) has foaming properties. Antibacterial properties of Propolis (beehive resin) help fight infections. Witch Hazel (alcohol free herbal extract) soothes, while Essential Oils (pure botanicals) taste great and leave your mouth feeling fresh and clean.

    About The Ingredients We Use

    Xylitol: What is it?

    Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar substitute, which can be found in plants, fruits, and vegetables and is even produced in the human body by normal metabolism. The Xylitol used in our toothpaste is produced from birch tree pulp.

    Why did we use it?

    Xylitol is used to add a cooling effect that leaves your mouth feeling great and it also enhances the flavor of our toothpaste's. We have also chosen Xylitol because of its natural source and potential benefits to oral health. It has been studied and used with astounding results for over 30 years and is recognized as an effective ingredient in Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Norway.

    Xylitol has no known toxicity or carcinogenicity and is completely SAFE for consumption, even for babies and diabetics.

    Xylitol is Clinically Proven to:

    · Reduce dental carries (cavities) by up to 80%

    · Fight plaque build-up by inhibiting plaque adhesiveness

    · Neutralize plague acids

    · Re-mineralize tooth enamel

    · Fight dry mouth (xeroseomia)

    · Fight and prevent ear infections by 40%

    Propolis – Resin found in beehives that is a powerful antiseptic agent that kills bacteria and is a safe and natural cleanser. The anti bacterial properties of propolis fight infections, prevent tooth decay, enhance oral hygiene, heal bleeding gums and prevent them from receding.

    Stevia – Extract from the Stevia shrub; it is a natural sweetener that has antiseptic properties that reduce cavities by retarding growth of plaque. The anti microbial properties inhibit growth of streptococcus and other bacteria.

    Sodium Bicarbonate – Baking soda; a natural bleach for teeth that naturally produces a clean feeling mouth while stabilizing the PH levels and reducing agents causing bad breath.

    Purified Silica – Gentle abrasive qualities combined with calcium carbonate, helps to safely remove plaque, and it gives a smooth gel-like consistency.

    Decyl Glucoside – Glucose from corn oils that provides foaming properties with no known toxicity or carcinogenicity. A safe and effective alternative to Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.

    Sodium Carrageenan – Seaweed high in sulphur that is very nourishing to the gums. It has been used in medicines in India for hundreds of years.

    Tea Tree Oil - Has all the anti bacterial properties required for healthy gums and teeth. It fights bacterial infection, retards plaque, heals bleeding gums and prevents them from receding. It fights bacteria, viruses and fungi, making it ideal for mouth ulcers, gingivitis, thrush, and sore throats.

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