
What are the bad effects from drinking too much soda?

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What are the bad effects from drinking too much soda?




  1. It depends on what you consider too much. If it is regular soda and not diet it is certainly going to pack on the pounds and elevate your sugar.  

  2. Anything fizzy, even fizzy water is acidic and bad for your teeth, fizzy drinks fill you with gas, making you bloated, if you get the sugary kind it will help you gain weight, and the artificial sweeteners effect appetite, fooling your body into thinking it has had sugar, then it realizes you haven't so your body sends out chemicals to get you to take in MORE and you crave carbs. Best to drink plain water, or natural fruit juice diluted with water to taste. An occasional fizzy drink won't kill you, but keep it for the weekend! x

  3. Increases carbon dioxide level in your blood

  4. Carbonated soda bloats you by filling you with gas.  It's also very bad for your skin

  5. Burping

  6. Weight gain.......but more importantly, it dehydrates your body. Please don't take that lightly.

  7. cavities, you tend to crash, empty calories, hard on your stomach, anxiety, sleep problems  

  8. I just read an article at yesterday about this.  First off, it's bad because of all the sugar and empty calories.  It has high fructose corn syrup - which is banned overseas.  The article also said that colas have an acid that increases the chances for kidney stones.  Just colas have the acid- ginger ale and sprite, 7-up do not have that acid.

  9. well, the most common effects are:

    tooth decay, higher risk of broken bones, menopausal symptoms, higher risk of damaged arteries.

    And for the more serious ones:

    Aspartame, used in carbonated beverages, has been linked to the cause of 29% of all brain cancer and poor fetal brain development. Just one caffeinated soft drink per day reduces monthly chance of conception of a child of 50 percent.In diet sodas, the saccharin used has been linked to cases of bladder cancer.

    for the killer ...

    For every soda consumed, your personal risk of obesity increases 1.6 times.

    I don't drink soda. =] I recommend the same for you.

  10. Now I like soda as much as the next guy however, soda doesn't like us. It raises your sodium level, it nulls any calcium you've drank or eaten, tooth decay due to the amount of sugar, empty calories lead to weight gain, the acid which is only found in brown soda is bad for you also and lastly large amounts of caffeine. These are the only things that I can remember from my college nutrition class. I think there are a lot more but cannot remember them all. All in all if used in limited amounts most people can enjoy a soda every once in a while without really bad effects.  Remember there will always be those who feel they can over do whatever they want. Make good choices and you too can eat and drink the things you like. Everything in moderation .

  11. You gain weight dramatically. I once read about a study that said that people who drink at least one can of soda a day (which is normal for most people) will gain about 16 pounds in one year!

    Its basically like eating spoonfuls of sugar with each meal.  

  12. well for one, it eats up the bones in your body (slowly). and secondly, one soda (coke for example) can cause you to gain just one pound.and trust me I wouldnt lie about that.

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