
What are the bad points for having positraction on a small truck for everyday street and highway driving.?

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Can the posi cause any serious problems with wet pavement or on curves?




  1. No problems that I ever had.It was always a benefit for me.

  2. You will notice parking sometimes will be harder. You will hear some tire chirps. Nothing major

  3. I don't always like it for winter driving.  Sometimes it is nice to have one tire that isn't spinning so it will hold the back of the truck from sliding as easy.  If both are spinning then it is pretty easy to slide downhill.  Although sometimes the one drive tire is on ice and if you had posi then the other tire would grip and get you moving.

    A posi that is working correctly (not a geared posi but an OEM installed clutch posi) will not cause binding or problems in corners or wet pavement.  If you are getting tire chirps then the clutches are too tight or something is locking up when it shouldn't.

    Overall I prefer a non posi vehicle in ice and snow but I usually carry a shovel and a bag of salt or sand.

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