
What are the ball thing that you can put on steering wheels called.?

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you know those ball things that you grab onto and then you can steer with one hand easily, what is it called?




  1. this device is called a [spinner]

  2. Neckers k**b.

  3. They were called spinners. You could get them with all kinds of different pictures or designs including pin-ups of girls in bathing suites. I believe they are now illegal in most states.

  4. Suicide k**b

  5. They were also called a suicide k**b

  6. They have a lot of names.  Mostly, they are just used to assist handicapped people.  Do you really want to look like you are handicapped while driving?

  7. Barreling k**b, my Grandfather had one on his 1954 Chevy.

  8. I always called them ball things

    actually I always heard them called suicide k***s, some really clever people called them steering k***s.

    That is the name on the package if you go and buy one.

    In the days before power steering they were quite common and still are on trucks and farm equipment.

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