A co-worker is holding a workshop in which they are presenting many different things related to accessible housing for people with disabilities. As a last minute thought, they wanted to add some ballpark figures for what it might cost a person to add certain accessibility-related renovations/ modifications to their home.
I am looking for contractors (in Canadian $$$ - Manitoba especially) who might be able to offer *really* rough estimate to these renovations. These estimates are just to give workshop participants an idea of what they might be getting into financially:
- the upper and lower cost of a wheelchair accessible ramp built up to the front entrance of a home four standard steps up, labour and materials in.
- the lower to upper cost of widing a standard 32" to a wheelchair accessible 36" door in a home
- the cost of lowering counters in a standard (~200 sq f) kitchen, dropped counters, no cupboards
- anything else you might have worked on?