
What are the barriers that get in the way of life?

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What are the barriers that get in the way of life?

The barriers need to include physical, emotional ect.

So things like money.

Could someone help me think of some more please?




  1. Physical - disability (blind/deaf/one leg etc) bad health due to drink/drugs/smoking etc

    Emotional - mental illness(depression etc) attributes (too shy/no social skills etc)

    Social barriers - bad education  no aspirations live in area of low employment, lone parent

    type Physical and emotional social barriers into google

    good luck

  2. social isolation, racism, sexism, agism, lack of assess to good education and health care, mental illness, laziness, egocentrism, apathy, natural disasters, intolerance of others, politics

  3. Ignorance and lack of knowledge, blinding and consuming hatred, fear of the unknown or reviled, fear of failure ...

  4. Money. Emotional attachment. Moral dilemmas. Saying ect when  you mean etc.....

  5. ANGER.


    Inability or unwillingness to accept the lives of others.



  6. Death, as in someone that makes a difference in your life.  Society.  Chemistry for another person.  There are so many things, and they could all be specific to each person.  You have to know what you want and how you are going to get it.  You have to know where your priorities stand and what you are willing to do to have that kind of life.  Barriers are only barriers if you let them get in your way.

  7. men LOL

    family ties

    religion and cultural values



    peer pressure

  8. Race,Region

  9. Life is what you make it. Now and again we come to a cross road in our lives and we have to make some very important decisions. Take what comes your way and deal with it the best way you can. If you are able to change anything without hurting anyone then do it. Barriers are there to test you and to see how strong a person you are.

  10. The main barrier that gets in the way of life is our thoughts and the way that we view eachother and ourselves.

    If we have predajuces or don't see others as equel, this leads to barriers to our lives.

    The greatest barrier of all is not having love in our hearts for evryone that we meet. So many people are just wrapped up in there own lives so much that they cant see out side of the box. You see a homeless man and you walk on by and ignore him. We don't want to face the things that we dont like or want to accept.

    If we can change the way we view the world, care for other people and generally be a good person then this will remove a lot of barriers in yr life.

    Another barrier to life (emotional, as you asked) is not recogizing the way that we feel. If we are upset, instead of accepting that we are feeling down or sad we try to ignore the 'bad' feelings. Most people would say that they want to be happy, but how can you feel happy when you close off all the other feelings? Only when we feel everything will we achieve happiness and surely this is a barrier to life?

    Money is only a barrier if you crave more than you can afford. We live in a society that wants more and more, but think about it, do you really need that extra pair of shoes? The answer is proberely not, so having the insight and self realization of this will take away this barrier that you have created in yr own mind.

    And that's the key really, most of the barriers in life are in our own immagination. We feel like we cant make it, were not good enough, not loved, wanted needed...the list goes on and on.

    But the fact is, we all can make it, we are all loved and needed. And accepting that you are fine just the way you are is a great relief!!

    So, in snswer to yr queston, the greatest barrier to life is what we think and feel, so look at this and have a deeper understanding of yr self. Know thyself.

    Good luck, I hope l have given you some ideas?

  11. being insecure and unsure of the direction you wish your life to go. life goes in one direction--- forward. in order to get where you want to go you must be in control of your life at all times. don't be shy when it comes to making decisions in your life. think and decide. then do.

  12. Some people make barriers for themselves, just keep on doing your best and enjoy life ,it's there if you want it.

  13. inadequate communication skills.

  14. Envy and jealousy by inadequates who blame everybody but themselves for their situation. They are resentful of success and can turn in a baying psychotic mob of bullying mediocrity...

  15. Lack of cash, physical inability, emotional attachment to people/things.

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