
What are the basic differences between man and animal?

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What are the basic differences between man and animal?




  1. Human beings ARE animals.

    About the only thing we have that the rest of the animal kingdom doesn't have is written language.

  2. language


    and man sins

  3. There are not many differences between man and many other anmials.

    Man is an animal unless you consider him a plant.

    Man claims to be at the top of the animal food chain but I wonder if mankind really has the highest character for the claim.

  4. I think it was that brain development after we evolved "opposable thumbs." No other animal's hands/paws work like that. Previous thinking was that we use tools, but there have been some primate families that do, too.

  5. "Man" is an animal. We have a tendency to forget this.

    The only thing that can be said to  "differentiate" between them - is "man"s ability to laugh.


    p.s. and please don't bring in hyenas....

  6. Humans are animals.  It has been suggested that humans can predict things and other animals can't but this is not true.  In fact, cowboys use horses trained to recognize the rider's signal of which cow to separate from the herd and then the horse separates that cow by itself because horses are better at predicting the cow's movements than humans.  It has also been suggested that non-human animals do not use languages but this is also incorrect.  Many species have language and can acquire or develop language.  Species that live in close proximity often recognize and heed each other's alarm calls and can differentiate between real alarm calls and  false alarms perhaps made by young.  Also, in my work with dogs I've encountered many examples of dogs that acquire understanding of various human languages in the same way that humans learn foreign languages, through association.  One of my dogs even invented and taught us a specific signal/sign language word which seems to mean "yes, of course" which she uses to indicate her agreement when asked questions involving English words she has learned (like car ride, outside, bath, food).  I have heard humans differentiated from other animals via understanding of symbols except that languages are symbolic systems so this does not make sense either.  Essentially, humans are not very different from other animals.  Most attempts to pinpoint specific differences can be demonstrated false through examples involving certain other animal species.

  7. the ability to think and know of  mortality (death)

    also humans

    are able to use tools due to having opposable thumbs.  humans recognise  language & written text where animals cant , some animals can be toaught to recognise a few basic language commands but are unable to recognise written text.

    man will conquer and kill for pleasure where an animal will only hunt and kill for food and survival .

  8. If any one can get a mammal to answer a specific question asked by any another mammal of a different species including humans then I will admit to there being a difference, but, to my knowledge it cant be done.

  9. man has the ability to think and to make judgement but  an animal can't...

  10. According to DNA composition analysis --only 2 %.

    so see what 2 % makes the difference , like 1 vote for victory , ball by joginder and catch by sree

  11. clothes....

  12. Abstract thought, written language, and opposable thumbs.  Some would also argue that language defines man. However, I find this "iffy" in that we can't understand other species ways of communicating.  For example, we know that dolphins have a very elaborate communication network.

  13. animals don't have a 'mean' gene.

  14. 2 things seperate us. 1. we use cutlery 2. animals dont **** each other over like humans do.

  15. We humans are the 'Only Beings' on the face of this earth created by GOD that have *Souls.*

    Without a Spirit-Soul, there would be no way in the world to get to Heaven or h**l after physical death.

    Do insects, reptiles, birds and animals have 'Souls'?

    Of course Not. When they die, their innermost being Deceases. Like going under (anesthesia) the brain just  goes into {blankness.}          

    But GOD Created us humans so we can live with HIM forever in Heaven.

    But to get to Heaven, we all have to repent of our lifetime Sins and then ask JESUS to come live inside our hearts.

    "Good Works" will Not get us to Heaven. Only believe on HIS shed Blood on Calvary will we have eternal life. Amen? : )

  16. Humans are the only animal that will use cognitive ability to modify instinct.  This sets humans apart from other animals & allows complex social structures to exist.


    OK, you gave me a thumbs down... I'd bet you have no data to refute my answer as it is correct.  Chuckle, I'd bet you are an ignorant kid... who ever you are?

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