
What are the basic facts about the Dallas Cowboys that I need to know to be a fan?

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My friend is a Cowboys fan and I want to impress him what are some things that I should know to intelligently be able to talk about the cowboys?




  1. First of all you need to know who our QB is  Tony Romo no. 9!!! Then You Have To know wide esceivers like T.O, And Pacman!! And you runnerbacks are Marrion Barber and Felix Jones!!

    You and your freind can talk about How Tony Romo Might make it to the superbowl because of Jessica Simpson on his mind!!!

    You guys can talk about how jason witten is doing for being Tony romos crime partner like everytime Tony Romo is in trouble Jason Witten changes from protecting him or gaurding him to getting open and catching it!!-Rudy

  2. THat tony romo dates the hottest women in America even hough hes a douche and TO is overated because he likes to drop passes alot and Pacman Jones should still be in Jail.

  3. You should know that they won 5 superbowls. They were dominant in the early 90's and in the 60's and 70's.

    Know who Roger Staubach, Tony Dorsett, Ed Too tall Jones, Randy White, The Big 3 (TA, ES, and MI) were. If it weren't for a dropped pass in the end zone they may have beaten PGh for one more superbowl title. Know who dropped the pass.

    Know what city they play in and what city the new stadium will be in?

    Also know that they suck. I hate them but having lived in TX I know all about them.

    What is their nickname- Am team.

    Know the name of the ranch that they practice in?

    This should get you started.  

  4. go to this website:

    This site is a comprehensive team site with all the info you wanna know...

    Also, they have won 5 Superbowls, are called "America's Team" and have a fabulous team this year with a great possiblity of making it to the Superbowl this year...

    Good luck.  You can add me as a contact... I communicate by email and can help you if you like!

    Congrats on picking a great team to follow...

    Oh and say this to your buddy " Do you have your popcorn ready??"

    Oh, and one more thing.  Get ready for the haters.  People hate to see others when they're successful.  As some of the answers after mine will prove...

    I live very close to a team who never won a SB ring... They are in my division and are such haters... always a bridesmaid, never a bride...

    Just remember, people who are jealous will find anything they can to try and provoke you....

  5. How many of their players and Hall of Famers also have a police mugshot?

    How many have played the game high on cocaine?

    How many prostitutes Michael Irvin used to have waiting for him in the stands after the game?

    How many strippers got raped at their "special" house just outside of Irving Texas that Jerry Jones set up for them?

    How many liver spots Jerry Jones has that shows through his make up during sideline shots?

    What kind of hair dye Jones uses?

    Also, once the players attached a siren to Jason Garett's back and had him rid on top of the team bus so they could get through the red lights.

  6. the are called americas team or the boys

    they went 13-3 last season

    their main players are tony romo, terrell owens, jason witten, marion barber,roy williams, demarcus ware, patric crayton, greg ellis, nick folk, adam pacman jones, tank johnson,

    some of their past main players emmitt smith, troy aikman, michael irving, deon sanders, bob lilly, rodger starbauch,

    they have 5 super bowls and theyll have six this season.

    they are building a new stadium with a huge tv inside it and retractable endzone doors

    in 07 forbes magazine said they were the most valuable franchize

    at 1.5 bil

    they were known also as the rangers and the steers

    also a lot of people hate the cowboys thats just because there all mad their teams are not as good as the cowboys

  7. what was there record last season,who they play,when is their first game

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