
What are the basic horseracing betting tools?

by Guest32866  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I have been doing sports betting for last couple of years. Currently I am planning to bet on horseracing betting, I would like to know, what are the basic horseracing betting tools?




  1. Along with your sunscreen (or umbrella!), a few items come in very handy when you’re at the racetrack betting on horses. You may want binoculars to see your favorite pass the finish line, but the tools in the following list are even more useful when it comes to actually placing your bets:


          Racetrack program: Like a program at a baseball game, it has information on all the players. In this case, the players are the horses, jockeys, trainers, and owners. Cost is $3.

          The Daily Racing Form (DRF): It provides the past performances of all the horses running on the day’s program and includes informative horse racing articles and handicapping by DRF staff. Cost is $4.

          Public handicapper selections: If your racetrack or OTB (off-track betting) is covered by the local newspaper, they may pay a handicapper to make daily horse selections. Cost is 50 cents.

          Handicapping tip sheets: These are daily selections published by handicappers at the racetrack. Cost is $2.

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