
What are the basic moves in volleyball?

by  |  earlier

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i'm trying out and need to know




  1. 1) Setting - you put your hands above your face in the shape of the ball and hit it only using the tip of ur fingers.

    2)bump - put one hand out and make a fist than ur other hand around it so that your thumbs match up. when the ball comes at u hit it with ur arms somewhere before the wrist and after the elbow.

    3)Spiking - when the ball is in the air by the net u jump up and hit it over with one hand.

    4)Blocking - when the ball is coming over you jump up and try to block the ball using only ur hands and try not to let ur hands go on the other side of the net.

    5)Serving - there r 2 types of serving overhand and underhand. Underhand is easier all you have to do is hold the ball in front of u below ur waist, bend over, swing ur arm backward than forward and hit the ball. Overhand, what u do is stand up straight and through the ball up than u hit it with ur hand

  2. hop, jump spike, volley, and you need a ball.

  3. omg

  4. well first of all there is the bump (or pass). to bump the ball, you make a fist out of one hand, and wrap the other hand around it (or whatever way you like, it doesn't really matter.) and you should already be in the "down and ready position" which means that you are on the balls of your feet, legs bent, and ready to go for the ball. you then make sure that the ball makes contact with your forearms, and you do not swing your arms much, you mostly bend your legs.

    then there is the set, which is like an overhand pass, usually to set up a hitter, so they can spike the ball.

    to set, you just put your hands up near your forhead (do NOT set the ball directly over your head) you then use the pads on your fingertips to push the ball out and up. do NOT catch the ball, and throw it. that is illegal.

    then there is the hit or spike. hitting may take a while to get down.first you need to learn your approach. the easiest approach is a 3 step. to do a 3 step approach, you first start with your left foot (if you are right handed. but if you are left handed, it is the oppisite.) then you take two quick steps with your right then left foot. then you jump straight up.

    to acually hit the ball, you need to pull your hitting arm back, as if you were going to pull your ponytail, then you swing your arm forward, and straight, to hit the ball.

    then there is the serve, you can do either underhand or overhand. underhand is easier, but it is also easier for the other team to get to the ball.

    there also is the dive and roll, there is many ways to do this, so i can't explain them all to you. (;

    i hope this helps you!

    sorry, im not very good at explaining things, so i hope this isn't too confusing!

    good luck! (:

  5. under arm upper arm spike pass dive

  6. bump-hitting off the forearm

    set-hitting off of fingertips

    spike-powerful hit over the net

    dig-dive for the ball

    serve-overhand or underhand

  7. Bump, set, spike.

  8. bump (also called forearm pass)


    spike (also just called a hit)

    serve (underhand or overhand)

    dig (a forearm pass taken after a hit)

    and you should know how to dive

    ...and shuffle

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