
What are the basic principles of evolution? ?

by Guest63266  |  earlier

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and please explain..i know one is natural selection and i understnad that one but i do not know the others..




  1. There are a few types, as natural selection and molecular, which is intercellular evolution. Basically it is a mutation in the DNA or RNA of a cell and it forces the cell to change. Things that can change it are the environment, chemical, or radiation. Sometimes the cells can change on their own to adjust to something that has changed around them, but this can take a long time before the change is successful.

  2. Evolution is the gradual process of constant change in the inherited traits of a population of living organisms from one generation to the next.

    There are two major mechanisms driving evolution which are:

    Natural selection- A process causing heritable traits that are helpful for survival and reproduction to become more common in a population, and harmful traits to become more rare.

    Genetic drift- An independent process that produces random changes in the frequency of traits in a population. Genetic drift results from the role probability plays in whether a given trait will be passed on as individuals survive and reproduce.

  3. There are 6 processes in evolution:


    Natural Selection


    Gene flow.

    Genetic drift.


  4. Do you really believe in evolution? Come on if we came from monkeys then why are there still monkeys?

  5. Allele frequencies in a population change over time.

    The mechanisms by which they do so are:

    Mutation, viral lysogeny, gene duplication, other chromosomal events.

    Gene flow (formerly known as migration).

    Genetic drift


  6. Darwin's other principle I guess you could call it that.Complex organisms and complicated structures like the eye and specialized organs in multicellular organism evolved over time gradually becoming increasingly specialized.  

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