
What are the basic rules of Snooker?

by Guest33097  |  earlier

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What are the basic rules of Snooker?




  1. aim to sink a red then go for any colour of choice as the reds are valued at 1 point and the colours rank from 2 to 10 i think, but you must sink a red in order to sink a colour,and the coloured balls are returned to the table in their alowcated positions, after having sunk all the reds you can then go for the coloured balls in their correct order, which starts at pink, yellow, brown , black, green, blue.{ithink that is the correct order}.and the game is based on points not who can get them down first.

  2. basic rule... sink the red.. then sink any of the other colors

  3. first hit a red ball then a color ball.......then after potting all the red balls ...put in the color balls in this fashion..

  4. Will people stop asking this question, it has been answered several times, and the answer is easily availible on many web sites.

  5. Ball Terminology:

    * Red = basic object ball that is red in color

    * Ball color = any ball that is not red in color

    When there are still red balls on the table:

    1. your 1st shot on every turn must be a red(any red ball is ok).

    2. You must first pot a red to gain access to potting any ball color you wish. (the pocketed red shall remain in the pocket)

    3. Before potting a ball color, you must 1st state what color you are taking, and if any other ball(colored or red) goes on your attempt to take your chosen ball color, it will be regarded as a foul. (the pocketed ball color shall be taken out of the pocket and returned to its original spot at the table)

    4. This process is repeated until all red balls are pocketed.

    5. In the event that a ball is missed, the cycle is renewed with the shooting player required to pot a red ball 1st.

    When all red balls are gone:

    1. balls are pocketed in this order - yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, black

    Foul Rules:

    *** Cueball must make contact with object ball first otherwise, foul is committed( Penalty: 4pt or corresponding pt value of 1st ball hit, whichever is higher)

    1. If the cueball does not hit anything on the table, the ahooter's opponent may choose to take the shot, pass, or ask the shooter to redo the shot(taking the white to its original place before the shot took place)

    2. If the shooter commits a foul and the opponent has no clear path to an object ball, he may be allowed to take a freeball(any ball on the table). The freeball will take the pt of the original object ball.

    3. other basic rules apply(e.g. cueball pocketed, accidentally nudging any ball on the table, etc)

    Ball quantity, points and orig spot(looking from the side opposite the arch):

    = RED(15) - 1pt each (in a triangle formation just below the PINK)

    = YELLOW(1) - 2pt (left side of BROWN)

    = GREEN(1) - 3pt (right side of BROWN)

    = BROWN(1) - 4pt (midpoint of the line connecting the arch

    = BLUE(1) - 5pt (center of table)

    = PINK(1) - 6pt (above the reds)

    = BLACK(1) - 7pt (below the reds)

    A game ends when:

    1. A player resigns because there are not enough balls on the table to make up for the opponent's score; OR he does not have enough options to execute a good snooker to force the opponent into a foul.

    2. All reds and ball colors are pocketed.


    - The player with the most points at the end of the game wins!

  6. well pocket a red color balls(1 point) then you must then pocket a colored ball aside from red black the highest, then the pink, blue, yellow, brown, green. It is only alternate red ball then any colored ball unitl all reads are pocketed once pocketed then there is an order for you to pocket the remainng colored balls (by the way when you pocket any colored balls it returns to its position), you must pocket the yello, brown, green, blue, pink, then black.

  7. i' ve neVer pLAyed thE gaMe bEF0re

  8. to quote john virgo

    "pot as many balls as you can"

    More obscure rules dictate the wearing of banannaman outfits for local club play and the routine shouting of "ooh pardon" whenever an opponant bends over the table to take a shot

  9. to see who breaks first you both cue the ball to see who gets closer to the cushion IE you hit the ball down the table it comes back up to the cushion closes wins to break,simple your aim is to put more, a higher count of balls than your opponent.

    starting with red then a colour,black 7points or pink 6points any colour as long as its a colour.

    once you putted all reds start with:yellow then green,brown,blue,pink and finally black.good luck playing.

  10. Hit red colour red colour red colour red colour until all the red balls are gone and then hit the colours in the pockets in order until youre left with the black which goes in last.

    Dont know the colour order sorry.

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