
What are the basic rules of golf?

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I am going to be trying out for high school golf team and want to know what the basic rules are.




  1. the basic rule is to get the ball in the hole in the alotted amount of shots per hole or less.  This is known as Par.  e.g. if the hole is a par 5 and you make the hole in 4 shots that means you went 1 under par at that particular hole.  The score card would read -1.  If you make it in 6 shots then your score would read +1.  You want to keep your score on the negative side (-).  If you hit the ball in the water then you lose 1 stroke.  e.g If you are on your second shot and you hit it in the water then your shot is moot, another stroke added and you take over on the next stroke.  So the second shot hits water, you forfiet 3rd shot, and start on fourth stroke.  there is no penalty to hit it in the sand.  If you hit the ball out of bounds then you lose 2 strokes.  the player with the lowest number of strokes at the end of the game is the winner.  RF

  2. There are 26 rules and they tend to get a little complicated to explain in this forum.  You should visit the website: and click on rules.  There you can read all of them, and even order your own rule book for a few dollars.  The USGA is the governing body of golf in the United States

  3. This is a REALLY hard question to answer as there are lots of different rules. I suggest you buy a rule book and study it thoroughly.

    The more rules you know the more of an advantage you have!  

  4. There is a small book of the "Rules of Golf" put out by the USGA which should be required reading for all golfers. Ask your golf coach to approach the pro shop. They may have extra copies for your team.

  5. Basic Golf Courtesy

    Do not stand, move or talk too close to a golfer who is about to make a stroke.

    Play without any delay. Leave as soon as the other members in your group leave.

    Try your best to play when everyone in your group is already out of the way.

    Try to replace the divots as much as you can. And if you have walked into a bunker, don't forget to smooth out all your footprints.

    It is not advisable for you to drop your golf clubs on the putting green, so avoid it at all cost.

    Rules to Playing Golf

    Before you start on your round of golf, take some time to read the local rules which are stated on the scorecard that you hold. After reading the rules, it is a good idea for you to mark which golf ball you will be using, which will make it easier for you to identify it. Several golfers may be suing the same brand of golf balls as you, In this case, it would be easy to see which golf ball belongs to you.

    Before you start, make sure you have counted your golf clubs. You are allowed a maximum of fourteen golf clubs.

    When beginning the actual play, make sure you tee off in front of your tee markers. Should your tee off be a little bit off, or outside of the area specified, you may be asked to repeat your stroke. If this happens in a match play, then you are lucky as there will be no penalty for you. However, if this happens in a stroke play, then you are given a two-stroke penalty. That is why it is important for you to tee off in the specified area.

    When you are playing, should your ball lie in a water hazard or a bunker, remember not to hit or touch the water or bunker in any way before you do your downswing.

    The ball should never be spooned or pushed: it should always be struck fairly.

    It is all right if you want to mark the ball that you are using. You could also clean your ball: just lift it, clean and put it back exactly where it was previously.

    In the case of dropping a ball, the best way to do so would be to stand straight and to hold your golf ball at the length of your shoulder, and to drop it gently. Should you, in dropping the ball, happen to strike another player, the caddie or even yourself, you must drop the ball again. This is done with no penalty.

    It would also be all right for you to pick up your ball if by doing so you would assist another player. On the other hand, you may also lift any other ball if that ball is interfering with your playing or another player.

    By remembering the basic rules of golf as well as the basic common courtesies of playing golf fairly, you will make the game more enjoyable for you and others.

    Cheap Golf Club

  6. there are 2 basic rules: play the ball as it lies; play the golf course as you find it.

  7. hit the ball repeat as nessasary

  8. Together with my staff and several qualified golf teaching professionals we have put together the most comprehensive Golfing Guide available for Beginner Golfers. This learning guide will help Beginner Golfers play their best Golf - with no fluff or hype but all the needed facts and knowledge - for less than a lesson from a reputable golf teacher.

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