
What are the basic steps in the samba?

by Guest66898  |  earlier

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Can you please outline what they involve as well thankyou!




  1. As the "Little Gene of Ballroom Dancing"...I can help you with that......

    Here are several basic samba steps......

    Rhythm Bounce (4 steps)

    (the easiest samba step you can do!)

    Flex knees in slight squat and then straighten knees

    to normal standing position)

    (do that 4 times)

    (Count: 1 2 1 2)

    The rest of the basic steps use the quarter beat timing.

    Basic movement (6 steps)

    Forward LF, Forward and close RF to LF, LF steps in place, Back RF, back and close LF to RF, RF steps in place

    (Count: 1...a2   1....a2)

    Samba Whisk (6 steps)

    Side LF, RF crosses behind LF, Step LF in place, Side RF, LF crosses behind RF, Step RF in place

    (Count: 1....a2  1.....a2)

    Bota Fogo (6 steps)

    (note: this move is a turning step for both sides as well as a little bit of a travelling step)

    Cross LF

    Side RF, turning 1/4 to L

    Transfer weight back to LF

    Forward and across RF (crossing that over LF)

    Side LF, now turning 1/4 to R

    Transfer weight back to RF

    (Count....also 1.....a2   1.....a2)

    Note that "a" represents a quarter beat or 1/4 beat.....and the rest is a 3/4 beat.

    All of the footwork details are for the man's part. If you are a lady, you do the natural opposite the man is doing.

    These samba steps (including Rhythm Bounce) can be repeated ad libitum; that is, you can do them as many times as you want.

    Those several basic samba steps also include a bounce action in each but I am not explaining it because it is a little too complicated........Hope all of this helps....

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