
What are the basic steps to landscaping?

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I am trying to get started with landscaping around my house. What is the basic procedure/process/steps I need to do to finish the job? Assume I already have plants picked out and have a design. It is the actual implementation/construction and sequence of steps that I am interested in. Thank you!!




  1. Assuming you have a design to work with lay out the garden beds, this can be done simply by using a garden hose and tape measure.  When the you have marked the edge go around the edge with landscaping paint (comes in a spay pack from the hardware store).  Mark design with paint an move hose etc onto next bed.

    Dig the bed up or bring in top soil (soil preparation is the most important step in a good garden), add compost or manures at this stage.  Put in garden edging if you are using it at this stage. Plant beds and install irrigation if your using it.

    Level out the lawn area, lay any paving or paths, install irrigation, put down turf underlay (fine topsoil, makes very smooth lawn), lay turf (sod).

    Water everything very well until established.


  2. Without knowing some of the particulars, it's hard to recommend where to begin.  I have a sloped yard----so I began at the bottom and moved upwards.  I don't know if that was correct or not, but it has worked out for me.  And I've done a little bit at a time...working in "vinettes".....small areas.  

  3. What works for one may not for another I would look at the property from street level, making sure new plantings will add not take away from the property,,then looking from the house to the street, make sure your plantings do not distract from desirable view.Be sure to know the root growth of each plant, so plantings close to house don't have to be cut down or dug up later.Know where all underground power lines or water lines are and plant accordingly.Be sure to know your sunny and shady areas for proper plant placement.Make sure plants are for your planting zone.Use a good planting soil mix when trans planting.Set your plants out before planting..take a good look from all angles as I mentioned above..get to work and enjoy

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