
What are the basics of various types of martial arts?

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im wanting to start soon.... i want to learn various types but i think i may start with tae kwon do not sure though but like you know karate, judo, all kinds and what kinds did bruce lee master




  1. Bruce Lee mastered Wing Chung, another art a undefeated short fist like wing chung, is white eyebrow. Shaolin Kung fu is hard core, with alot of strikes and kicks in the form, and chen style is graceful and fluid, with lots of elbows and fast strikes mixed in with slow, controlled movements. Their are videos you can get that cost 7 to 99 bucks and they mail them to you, but their is also a place to get them for 3 bucks and instant download.

  2. Truth be told I don't remember what Bruce Lee studied but as far as the basics they are all pretty much the same. Basic Punch, Block, Kick etc... The thing is that all Martial Arts do it differently I would know I'm a Black Belt in TaeKwon-Do and a Black Belt in Ninjutsu and the blocks, kicks, punches etc... are done differently I also studied some Goju Karate, Shotokan Karate and some Kung Fu and again they all had the same basics but done differently.

    I hope this helps and answers your question.

  3. There are many types of martial arts.  A list of some are:

    Tae Kwon Do: Korean Martial arts based mostly on kicks

    Karate: There are many forms, one of which include Ishinru Karate.  This is a good one to start out on.  It is very time consuming and takes much longer to advance than in Tae Kwon Do.

    Jujitsu- Based on grappling and wrestling

    Krav Maga - An Israeli Martial art based on "street fighting".  It takes the most realistic scenario and trains your instincts on how to disarm your opponent and defeat your opponent.

    Kung Fu - A Chinese martial arts based on flexibility and strength of mind.

    Jeet Kun Do (A.K.A. Bruce Lee's Martial arts) - This one was based on Bruce Lee's teachings and was formed by Bruce Lee himself.  This takes the best of Kung Fu and Tai Chi and brings it into a martial arts world.

    Ninjitsu - Also a very realistic style fighting.  Deals with grappling and also heavily with weaponry.  You will learn how to use Bows, Nunchucks, sai's, as well as other weapons of Martial Arts.

    Judo - a Type of martial arts that is partial grappling and partial street fighting style.  It deals with strikes, thrusts, as well as immobilization of your opponent.

    I hope this helps you decide what you want to do.  Personally, i would go with Tae Kwon Do, because it is very basic and teaches you how to kick and punch like "people you see on TV".  Also, Ishinru Karate is very much like that too.  They both are good for people who just want to get into martial arts.  After you've mastered those, you can branch off into different arts.  If you want hardcore workouts, i would try out more grappling, like Judo or Jujitsu.

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