
What are the beaches like in Costa Rica. Is the water calm and clear?

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What are the beaches like in Costa Rica. Is the water calm and clear?




  1. I just got back from a trip.  The beaches in Jaco were kinda dirty and there were tons of people.  The water was warm and the tide went way out and when it was in covered most of the beach.  

    Playa Hermosa is very near Jaco and is much nicer but the waves are still a little big and rough right at the shore, it was kinda hard to get in and out if you arent used to it.  

    Montezuma was a great place to take long beach walks.   I got up for the sunrise a couple mornings and walked for miles both north and south.  I brought along a little food and water and stayed out for a while.  At times I couldnt see another person and there were no telephone poles in sight.  The water here was a bit calmer and very blue.  There are a few small rivers that I would think would be much wider in the rainy season and could cause a problem walking around high tide.  

    There are a couple small Islands very close by that had amazing white sand beaches, calm, very clear turquoise water that was really warm.  We took a snorkeling tour out to one Island for lunch and wished I had just stayed there for a whole day and snorkeled another.

  2. Many of the beaches on the Pacific, like Manuel Antonio, have strong rip tides, so be careful!

  3. One the most water calm and clear in Costa Rica is Punta Leona and Playa Blanca in the midlle pacific near to Jacó. The only problem is one the few beaches in Costa Rica her acces is restrictec by hotels and turist attraccion, you can pay $20 for day or stay in this hotel whit the same name Punta Leona or take the public acces.

    Good Luck.

    Sorry for my english

  4. That all depends on where you go.  Many beaches on the Pacific coast are not, as they are primarily a big draw for surfers because of their large waves.  Some Pacific beaches are however, but be warned that lifeguards are basically nonexistent in Costa Rica.  A good rule of thumb for the Pacific beaches is to only swim in beaches located in a sort of bay, usually horseshoe shaped on the Pacific coast.  The water within these bays tends to be much calmer and safer for swimming than other areas.  The Caribbean coast does indeed have some beaches with calm, clear water, but as with any beach you should watch for signs of a rip current.  This side tends to be less populated by tourists as well, but also has higher instances of petty theft.  It's not dangerous by any means, but make sure to keep watch on your belongings.

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