
What are the benefits for me moving from the UK to india?

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i have been many times and it is my parents homeland.everyone is really friendly compared to the uk.In the uk the government helps people alot with money etc.i dont know if i could get a job in india with a teaching degree.would anyone suggest me any good degrees that would help me earn in india...plz im really worried i dont know what to do because im going to marry an indian but he says h**l earn for me but still i need to earn my own money because i dont feel right.




  1. Every one was really friendly to you because you were visiting them from abroad and showering them with gifts.

    Once you are back to your parents homeland, the friendliness of your keen will start disappearing.

    For the Job, with a degree in teaching, you can join any of the eLearning Content Development companies located in Big Cities. The pay is good,  8 to 12 lakhs per annum for a senior position in Instructional Design or Technical Writing. Lots of company work for UK clients, so they will love to have you on board.

    Else joining an International school is an option. Pay is not that good, another respondent already mentioned how much he/she gets.

    Basically you need to cash on on your UK schooling and your knowledge of English. If you can market that efficiently, you will earn handsome amount in India. The British Raj hangover is still on here...

  2. first of all... as far as work is concerned.... u may get a job.... but then since my dad isn't indian and many other people that i know are.. they never could get an actual job with a good pay....

    trust me there aren't that many benefits in india.... u dont have money... u can't get anywhere.... if u're holding a UK citizenship u may not find a job.... but then again u could... coz i havent been to india in 2 years.... changes have taken place.... try working at a UK process... Call center....

  3. Curry.

  4. You can teach Indian children ,you will earn enough money to keep you well secured

  5. Absolutely none.

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