
What are the benefits of a moon for a planet???

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Is the moon a necessity for the existence of life on Earth???




  1. It has been said that the presence of the moon stabilizes the axis of the earth and prevents it from extreme variations that could, over eons, make the planet totally hostile.

    It has also been speculated that the tides caused by the moon is what allowed a proper stirring of random chemicals on sea shores that permitted the emergence of life.

    So, maybe the moon was absolutely necessary. But we would have to wait until we find other planets with life to be sure, and that could take an awful amount of time.

  2. The moon keeps the axis of the earth from wobbling too much over billions of years.  This gives complex life a stable place to evolve into even more complex life.    

    I dont think life itself owes anything to the presense of the moon.  But I think we do.

  3. a moon isn't a necessity for life but it is crucial to Earth since it is responsible for the tides.  On an Earth with no moon, it is possible that life would have never left the oceans.

  4. Yes it is

    The moon regulates the tides the tides contribute to creating weather

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