
What are the benefits of being Duel National?

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Iam both American and British but iam not sure whats the benefits.

Iam currently 17 and will be turing 18 in june and today i heard that if i dont renew my passport or revist The United Kingdom by my birthday my British citzenship is voided. Is this true? And also what are the benefits of being a Duel? Please and Thank you.




  1. no, it is not true, once your are a dual citizen? it is forever i, too am a dual citizen,so are my children and grand child,  do renew your passport for keepsake, being a dual citizen? means, you have two nationalities, and you may move as you wish in both countries, have rights in both, once you are in the US? you are an US citizen, in the UK? you are an UK citizen, do think of the benefits, they are there, think? ...............

    smile, yes, they are benefits, but there is love ! for both countries;

    my children are proud, so is my grand child.

    could you think of your heritage?


  2. You risk being killed, unless you choose swords, and are much better than your opponent.  There are benefits to being a DUAL citizen.

  3. if you don't like Britain you can move back to America but can't come back to Britain

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