
What are the benefits of being a raw vegan?

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and at this point is it for the animals?




  1. Diet ethics and spiritual awareness of intellectual people will evolve in the following way towards the end of the world (the world will not sustain, human-animals-plants will compete each others for space, resources and oxigen)...this is the law of nature.

    Paleolithic diet

    Carnivorous / Cannibalism

    Omnivorous diet



    Raw vegan



    **From Eden we fell.. and now back to Eden all shall rise. The scriptures of several religions recommend fruitarian diet. Genesis l:29, the Garden of Eden, for Christians, Jews, Moslems.. the Ramayana for the Hindus in which Rama is described as eating a fruitarian (phalahari) diet 14 years in the forest, the writings of Isaiah. There are copious references to fruit in the Quran. Buddhists whose prayer is "May all t have life be delivered from suffering" have fruitarianism in the Pali, Dhammapada, and other sacred texts. Jains whose founder Mahavir preached reverence for all living beings have fruitarianism in their scriptures as well.

    Omnivorous diet : One level above Cannibalism

    Raw Food (Raw Vegan) : One level below Fruitarian diet

    Good luck!

  2. It's mostly about health rather than the animals. The only benifit to animals I can think of, is the reduced energy consumption and there for green house emmissions. But this is rather small in comparison to waste produced by animal agriculture. It's really about your personal health/benifit.

    - There are very few raw junk food readily available.

    - More essential greens, fruits, nuts, seed etc.

    - Avoiding excess food such as carbs. As a vegan it’s easy to fall into the carb trap and live on potatoes, breads, crackers etc. (I found this happened to me a bit)

    - Essential nutrients are not destroyed by heating or cooking

    - Energy saved on heating and cooking helps reduce you carbon foot print and reduce energy consumption

    I’ve been really interested in raw veganism lately. I’ve actually just started today!! I'm going to give it a try. I switched from vegan to raw vegan though... Very exciting yay :D

    Here are some of my recent questions which may help. Jen’s answers are great!;...;...;...

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