
What are the benefits of doing Kuji-kiri/kuji-in?

by Guest10668  |  earlier

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Are there any? Please show me some sites or video to learn them...




  1. Kuji-kiri and Kuji-in are different. Both are related to the nine syllables Rin-Pyo-Toh-Sha-Kai-Jin-Retsu-Zai-Zen.

    First, Kuji-in. Kuji-in are the nine mudra. Each mudra has a different application and are used as a meditative tool to focus a specific portion of the mind. The associated mantra is chanted to help invoke the feeling of the mudra. On a more physical level, the Kuji-In can be used to stretch and strengthen the hands, wrists, and fingers as part of Junan Taiso. Wikipedia has a reasonable explanation of how to perform them.

    Kuji-kiri is a series of nine cuts associated with the syllables (one for each syllable). The use can be dispelling bad energy, halting an enemy, focusing the mind, and numerous other things. The method really won't be of any use to you without the associated kuden, so this is the physical process:

    From the Jin mudra, point the index and middle fingers of the right hand left. The left hand's pinky and ring fingers should be open slightly to create a hole. Lower the left hand to the belt and insert the fingers of the right hand into that hole of the left. The right hand is now "to-in" (sword mudra). Draw and cut, in one movement, left to right chanting "Rin." Cut down, "Pyo". Continue for the rest. Finally, thrust forward and make a check mark cut. This is "Un".

    Have fun. Remember these are meditative and happen within you. They're not some magical thing, though they can seem like it.

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