
What are the benefits of global warming?

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Apparently, the media does not want to inform the public of ANY benefit, yet I am sure there are many.




  1. Not having to wear longjohns anymore!!

    Not having to shovel the driveway at 40° below anymore.

    Not having to wear 10 layers of clothing to walk my kids to the bus stop.

    Not having to call the emergency workers because some kid on the playground got his tongue stuck to the flagpole again.

    Not having icicles fall off the roof and onto ones head. (we are talking saving LIVES here!!)

    Not having ditch parties on the freeway.

    Not having old people have heart attacks from shoveling.

    People in wheelchairs can use the sidewalks year round...

    and the # one best benefit from global warming???

    Al Gore dying of heatstoke.

  2. I don't think there are ANY benifits of global warming.

  3. warmer days lets snow shoveling lmao

  4. ...I'm not sure how there could be benefits of the ice caps melting, sea levels rising, the planet heating up, etc. I guess all the people dying would be a plus for population control.

    I don't actually believe in global warming, but I don't see how there could be benefits if it WAS true.

  5. china is over populated so if you are a really mean persom who does not care about individual lves rather than the whole world in gheneral the flooding and people dying coul;d help with the over population problem

  6. Warming! I've been waiting in Wisconsin for this phenomenon called Warm and haven't experienced it yet!

    Plus, we'll be able to farm Antarctica. I'd move there if it was 80 degrees year round!

  7. 1. Minnesota can change its license plate slogan from "**** hole" to "The State with Two Coasts."

    2. Kansas will finally get what it deserves: a hurricane.

    3. Saying "I hate winter" will be like saying "I hate Father's Day", cause it only lasts 24 hours.

    4. No more penguins.

    5. The hotter it is, the colder beer'll taste.

    6. "Sunny Alaska" will replace "Burny Florida" as the new winter vacation destination.

    7. It will take a lot less time to boil water.

    8. You'll finally get some use out of that ark you got for Christmas.

    9. Hot Tubs will be replaced with Ice Tubs - which will mean lots and lots of hard nips.

    10. Everyone will be so tan that we'll all look like Arabs. And then there won't be any more racism.

    11. One word: Waterworld.

    12. Another great excuse to hang out in your underwear 24/7/365.

    13. Mexicans will start heading south instead of north.

    14. You'll be able have engine block eggs without starting your engine.

    15. The Olympic torch will never go out.

    16. Due to the lack of ice, hockey will finally become the the sport it was meant to be: a bunch of guys hitting each other with sticks under water.

    17. There's no forest fires in the ocean.

    18. The phrase "hot as h**l" will no longer be hyperbole.

    19. You'll be able to roast your nuts without an open fire.

    20. Since they're called the "Boys of Summer", baseball will be played year round.

    21. You'll be able to really put your Degree deodorant to the test, just like in the commercial.

    22. It'll be as hot as the south everywhere, so naturally, everyone will become as funny as Jeff Foxworthy and Larry The Cable guy. We'll laugh ourselves into world peace.

    23. You'll be able to give hot rock massages to ladies you just met in the park.

    24. If the entire world floods and we're forced to live underwater, maybe we'll meet Poseidon.

    25. We'll all figure out there's nothing beneficial about global warming.

  8. Well we are due for an ice age which apprently happens every 10,000 years and global warming is preventing it

  9. No, there are no significant benefits to global warming. Now if you want some meaningless  propaganda without any scientific backing, there's plenty of crackpots out there you can listen to.

    Look, the cause of global warming is CO2--it is a WASTE product.  We are turning theplanet into a sewer.  Maybe you think there are enefits to living  inundated by your own waste--but very few people are going to agree with you.

  10. Well, we're getting a lot more use out of our pool than we ever did before.  LOL!

  11. yes:

    opening of the northwest passage.

    less cold related deaths

    edit we are not going to have that argument about sea levels rising again. your argument is stupid at best and at worst it is no more factuial then the tellytubbys;...

  12. It brought Al Gore back from obscurity. Oh, wait, you said benefits...

  13. It depends on how warm it gets.

    The predictions say maybe 1 degree over the next 100 years.  I don't think it'll be very noticeable.

    But historically, the planet prospers better during the warming periods than the cooling ones.  More people die from the cold each year than the heat, so that would be another advantage.

    Since NASA reported that the hottest recorded temperature was in 1934, the year 1998 has come in second.  Since that year there's been declines in temperature, so it's hard to say if we're really still in a warming cycle anymore.  Perhaps we're already going into another cooling period in our history.  I'm sad because I was hoping the warming would last a little longer.

    As for the media, they don't like to show benefits to anything we do.  They're much more comfortable using scare tactics.  Bad news sells better, and there's billions behind the man-made global warming hysteria.

  14. Longer growing seasons.


    No more snow. (I have had about enough of that c**p this year).

    No more scraping windshields.

    No more frost bite.

    Plants will grow year round. (every one know the cold kills i.e. killing frost).


    Did I mention no more scraping windshields!

    I think they lied about this whole Global Warming thing anyway because it has been cold as sh** here in the Midwest! It has snowed almost as much as it did in the 70's!!

  15. Ask all the people who vacation in or retire to Florida.

    In Minnesota they built a giant mall so people can enjoy the indoors.  In Florida they build lots of outdoor parks so people can enjoy the outdoors.

  16. Actually, all of the benefits are listed on this page:

  17. You can start up a carbon credit company and earn lots of money.

    More farming for Canada.

    Some now arid areas will become rain forests.

    northern trading route.

    The media will makes lots more money hyping exaggerating the effects to make lots of mullah!

  18. if it continues for another thousand years as it has in the last 10,000 years it will lead to less fossil fuel used for heating, thousands less people freezing to death every winter(hot weather is uncomfortable cold is deadly) more farm land available for food production. the vast uninhabitable frozen wastelands of the russian & canadian north will be opened up for a constantly expanding population. more rain fall because of less water locked up in permanent ice sheets.

    but it looks like warming is slowing down or reversing, the citrus belt in Florida & extreme southern Texas has been moving south in the last 25 years due to the trees freezing in the northern part of the traditional critrus belt quite often. so the good times for the human race during the current interglacial period may be coming to an end. we should have enough data to tell for sure in another 3 or 4 hundred years.

    not that it will matter to you & I.  :)

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